SKILL BUILDINGThe center will offer classes to assist with the building of basic skills, advance skills training including GED assistance. Life skill classes will be offered to prepare the youth for the responsibilities of early adulthood. The center offers challenging and innovative activities to enhance the skills of the youth.
BRAIN TRAINING TUTORINGReading, writing and math skills are a part of our everyday life. We will provide services in each area to help improve the lives of our youth so that they may become more open to an environment conducive to learning.
CAREER DEVELOPMENTYouth will be given the opportunity to experience hands on training in career development activities. These are active learning sessions which will include many of the trendy industries in the work environment.
COUNSELINGCounseling is a very integral part of the center as it builds self-esteem, boost problem solving skills, improve communication skills, improve coping strategies and minimize fears and anxiety. The center will build trust and provide a safe and therapeutic environment.
SUPPORT SERVICESThe center will provide support services to assist the youth with needs outside of the center. We will provide the resources for families in need of living assistance, food, and medicare.
OTHER ACTIVITESThe Center will provide programs that will guide the youth towards their interest, talent, skills and self confidence. Field trips provide fun learning opportunities that teach the youth how to embrace differences and build character. We will encourage healthier living and overall wellness as it is a big part of being fit for life.